Interface SD Card with PIC Microcontroller

October 26, 2014 | Anonymous | 0 comments

SD memory cards, especially the ones under 1GB are cheap, relatively easy to interface and provide vast amounts of memory for imbedded control.

This device lets you 'talk' to sd cards through your serial port. Communication is in ASCII so you just need a terminal program to access it. (Note: the photos shown are of the rev-1 device with various changes, documentation is for the rev-2).


SD sockets are available from SparkFun Electronics. The socket needs to be surface mounted so it was placed on the foil side of the single sided board (mouseover image above to see). The connections are close to 0.1 inch centers, so the layout was not difficult.

The PIC16F819 was chosen for its


Control Speed of DC motor by PWM

August 5, 2014 | Siddiq Ansari | 0 comments

How to control the speed of DC motor? This becomes a major problem if someone is doing some robotics projects or where DC motors are used. So, here is a solution provided.

Pulse width modulation (PWM) or duty cycle variation methods are commonly used in speed control of DC motors. The duty cycle is defined as the percentage of digital ‘high’ to digital ‘low’ plus digital ‘high’ pulse-width during a PWM period. Fig. 1 shows the 5V pulses with 0% through 50% duty cycle.

Fig 1: 5V pulses with 0% through 50% duty cycle


The average DC voltage value for 0% duty cycle is zero; with 25% duty cycle the average value is 1.25V (25% of 5V). With 0% duty cycle the average value is 2.5V, and


Internet Controlled movable Webcam

July 7, 2014 | ANDREW WIENS | 2 comments

I finally got around to putting this back up on my new site.  The following sections detailing this project were written when I actually built it and had it working in 2005 (before commercial swivel webcams became really cheap). The idea was to build a cheap, internet-controlled swivel base for a webcam without an analog to digital converter or any complicated logic circuitry. This writeup may be a bit confusing. Sorry, it was middle school ;)


This project actually stemmed from an idea to build an internet-controlled robot. Figuring I should first familiarize myself with programming the Printer Port, I decided to start with something simple and cheap. Using a junked gearmotor and a cannibalized mini-tripod, I have built an internet-controlled swivel


Ultrasonic Movement Detector

May 23, 2014 | Anonymous | 0 comments

This is a simple but robust ultrasonic movement detector circuit. It also uses a crystal locked circuit to get maximum performance from the ultrasonic transmitter. However, the detection circuit is different. We think it is more sensitive.


Check all the components against the parts list. It is generally easier to solder in the lowest height components first - the  esistors and diodes. Make sure to get the diodes in the correct way. The black circle or band on the diodesmust match the bar of the diode symbol on the overlay. There are a lot of resistors. Use the resistor color code printed on the back of the header card to work out each value.

The 40 kHz crystal can be inserted either way. Holes have been provided to secure its case


How to interface SD memory card with microcontroller?

October 18, 2012 | Anonymous | 0 comments

When an electronic hobbyist goes on increasing his potentials in embedded electronics, he comes at a point where he needs to interface memory card for his bigger projects. Here we provide some easy refrence for how could we interface SD memory card with PIC mincrocontroller chip.

SD memory cards, especially the ones under 1GB are cheap, relatively easy to interface and provide vast amounts of memory for imbedded control.


This device lets you 'talk' to sd cards through your serial port. Communication is in ASCII so you just need a terminal program to access it. (Note: the photos shown are of the rev-1 device with various changes, documentation is for the rev-2).

The Hardware

SD sockets are available from SparkFun Electronics. The


Video Surveillance System with automatic motion detector

October 3, 2012 | Siddiq Ansari | 0 comments

Video Surveillance System with automatic motion detector, was my final year Electronics and Communicatio Engineering project. Its very complex electronic project. Since its our engineering is about electronics and communication so this project accumulates the knowledge of both electronics and communication. It took us more than two months hard work and one year pre-study  to initialize the project. But at last we managed to get success.Surveillance is very useful to governments and law enforcement to maintain social control, recognize and monitor threats, and prevent/investigate criminal activity. We did not choose this project for just only to monitor but we chose it know all the hardware and software skills and knowledge required to develop a complete system. We used simple microcontroller


Digital Code Lock

July 31, 2012 | Siddiq Ansari | 1 comments

Its a simple circuit of digital lock system which can be used as security system along with a door operated with motors to open or close the door or it can be used anywhere where we require intensive security.

In this digital code lock, we have used a microcontroller as the brain of security system. A default password is set when the program is burnt in memory of microcontroller. An electronic display is used to for interaction with this security system and provides interacting medium with the user.

Circuit schematic:

Source Code:

Finished Product on Home made PCB:

Bottom Side PCB

Top Side PCB

Top Side Silk


Database based Nepali Date Converter

Convert Nepali date (B.S.) to English Date (A.D.) or Vice-Versa

Nepali Date
Gregorian Date

From 1900-01-01 A.D. to 2020-12-30 A.D.

From 1956/09/19 B.S. to 2077/09/15 B.S.


Download Nepali Date Converter

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