Bikram Sambat (Nepali) to Gregorian (English A.D.) Date Converter

This is the best Nepali Date Converter so far available in internet. Nepali Date Converter converts Nepali date to English date and vice versa. Bikram sambat is mostly used in Nepal and India. In Nepal, Bikram sambat is based on Classical Pattro.
This date converter currently is currently running in many government and non-governement offices like passport department, notary public offices and translation departments etc. Created as a small and user-friendly utility, Nepali Date Converter manages to convert Nepali dates to English ones and vice versa. It also display today\'s date according to Nepali Calendar.
Now, you can use this handy utility to quickly convert the dates you need. This software has also been included in softpedia which is a library of free and free-to-try software programs for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, games and drivers.