Shilajit: A review

July 20, 2014 | Suraj P. Agarwal, Rajesh Khanna1*, Ritesh Karmarka | 0 comments

Shilajit, also known as salajit, shilajatu, mumie or mummiyo is a pale-brown to blackish-brown exudation, of variable consistency, from layers of rocks in many mountain ranges of the world, especially the Himalayan ranges of the Indian subcontinent (Kong et al., 1987; Srivastava et al., 1988) (Fig.). It is also found in Russia, Tibet, Norway and other countries,where it is collected in small quantities from steep rock faces at altitudes between 1000 and 5000 m. Shilajit samples from different region of the world, however, vary in their physiological properties.

Shilajit, an ancient traditional medicine has been ascribed a number of pharmacological activities and has been used for ages as a rejuvenator and for treating a number of disease conditions (Acharya et al., 1988). Modern scientific research has  mystematically validated a number of properties of shilajit and


Atmel Microcontroller Selector

July 15, 2014 | Siddiq Ansari | 0 comments

For any electronics engineer or hobbyist, it you want to find out your required microcontroller from ATMEL, now ATMEL has made it easy. Atmel Coroporation, a leading microcontroller manufacturer has developed a new application as Atmel MCU selector within its web portal to easy search the microcontrollers. Anyone who want to find out his/her requirement of microcontroller with specific parameters, this application makes easy to find from the pool of microcontrollers. There are 26 parameters available to choose. They are:

  • Flash (Kbytes)
  • Pin Count
  • Max. Operating Frequency (MHz)
  • CPU
  • SRAM (Kbytes)
  • EEPROM (bytes)
  • Max I/O Pins
  • Pico Power
  • Operating voltage (Vcc)
  • Temp Range (Deg C)
  • # of Touch Channels
  • Timers
  • Watchdog
  • 32KHz CRT
  • Analog Comparators
  • Temperature Sensors
  • ADC Resolution (bits)
  • ADC Channels
  • DAC Channels
  • UART
  • SPI
  • TWI (I2C)
  • USB Interface
  • PWM Channels
  • Ethernet
  • CAN

On the basis of selection made to these parameters, results are shown.


Internet Controlled movable Webcam

July 7, 2014 | ANDREW WIENS | 2 comments

I finally got around to putting this back up on my new site.  The following sections detailing this project were written when I actually built it and had it working in 2005 (before commercial swivel webcams became really cheap). The idea was to build a cheap, internet-controlled swivel base for a webcam without an analog to digital converter or any complicated logic circuitry. This writeup may be a bit confusing. Sorry, it was middle school ;)


This project actually stemmed from an idea to build an internet-controlled robot. Figuring I should first familiarize myself with programming the Printer Port, I decided to start with something simple and cheap. Using a junked gearmotor and a cannibalized mini-tripod, I have built an internet-controlled swivel


Top 5 Facts of Nepal

July 6, 2014 | Anynomous | 0 comments

A small landlocked country on the lap of Himalayas, Nepal is a Democratic Republic nation located in between two powerhouses India and China. With an area of 1, 47,181 sq. km, Nepal offers pristine natural resources and beauty. This sovereign state in South Asia offers great natural beauty and beautiful environment that range from the low flat lands to Skyscraping Mountains. This small country provides wide prospects in hydropower, rafting and mountain trekking. Homed to the highest peak Mount Everest and the deepest George of the Arun Valley, Nepal is one of the most visited places in the world.With the end of the monarch rule and the establishment of a new people chosen democratic government, the country is yet to


Facts About the Highest Mount Everest

July 1, 2014 | Anonymous | 0 comments

Did you know that in Nepal and Tibet Mount Everest is not called as it is? Yes! the mountain has its local name there. You can climb Everest via two routes starting from Tibet or Nepal also. It is a very great deal when you wanted to climb the mountain and set a record for yourself because it is very dangerous to climb it. But some people pay some professional climbers to climb for them and set a fake a record for themselves. Mount Everest claimed so many climbers lives already and it is increasing as time passes by. A mountain is considered to be much way taller than Everest when measured from its base located on the ocean floor. This mountain is located in Hawaii, the mount Mauna


A trip to Ghandruk

June 5, 2014 | Siddiq Ansari | 0 comments

Luckily it was a clear morning when I along with my other four friends (Ravi, Sumit, Ananda and Dipen ) started to move to our destined stop- GHANDRUK. No one of us had visited to Ghandruk so it was exciting for all of us to reach to Ghandruk and have a face to face with beautiful and wonderful natural sceneries of northern Pokhara. 

Talking about Ghandruk, it is a village situated at the top of hill, moreover its village of Gurung families. Someone may think that Ghandruk may be some old type village of hills. It's not like that. Here you can find standard hotels, locals also arrange home-stay, village is well faciliated by communication service, electricity and water supply. Ghandruk


How to improve reading habits

May 28, 2014 | Bodhi Tree | 0 comments

Before reading a difficult piece of writing, take a few moments to close your eyes and relax while taking two or three deep breaths. Say to yourself that you can read with full concentration, recognize key information, and achieve high comprehension quickly to accomplish your needs. Believe you can, and you will.

This may simply sound like "positive mental attitude". Yet if you do not purposefully affirm the positive, you may be shutting off your true capacities by subtle anxieties about the task.

For example, if the material is dense and difficult to read, any anxiety about getting through it can cause lowered performance. The secret is to see the material simply as new and different, not dense and difficult...and be relaxed


Database based Nepali Date Converter

Convert Nepali date (B.S.) to English Date (A.D.) or Vice-Versa

Nepali Date
Gregorian Date

From 1900-01-01 A.D. to 2020-12-30 A.D.

From 1956/09/19 B.S. to 2077/09/15 B.S.


Download Nepali Date Converter

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